Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 Full Version
Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC adalah aplikasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja komputer Anda dengan membersihkan dan mengoptimalkan berbagai masalah pada komputer Anda sehingga performa komputer Anda akan lebih meningkat.
User Interface:
- Windows Familiar GUI
- Automatic Performance Scan
- System Overview and Recommendations
- Extensive Manual and Help
- System Optimization State
- System Tray Shortcut
- Detailed System Graphs
- CPU Usage Overview
- CPU Booster Functionality
- Memory Usage Overview
- RAM Optimization
- Disk Usage
- Disk Analyzer and Defrag
- Internet Speed Analyzer
- Internet Speed Optimizer
- Startup Manager
- Process Viewer
- Junk Clean-Up Scan
- Detailed Junk Clean-Up Scan Results
- Privacy Protector Scan
- Detailed Privacy Protector Scan Results
- Uninstall Manager
- Launch application at startup
- Check for updates every time SpeedUpMyPC starts
- Start scanning when the application loads
- Perform automatic optimization and cleanup after each scan
Download Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 (1.122 KB)
Download SN Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 (1 KB)
nice software gan... izin sedoot nih aplikasi..
BalasHapuskeduax gan . .
BalasHapusini hampir sama kyk tune up gan #smile
oke..kalau aplikasi untuk komputer saya paling doyan kumpulin kawan...mantabs :)