Snagit Full Version
Snagit merupakan salah satu Software produksi TechSmith.com yang biasa difungsikan sebagai screen capture atau penangkap gambar yang terdapat di layar monitor. Mulai versi 10.0.0 aplikasi ini juga sudah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas screen recorder atau merekam gambar yang ada di layar monitor dalam format video. Fasilitas ini sama dengan produk video capture TechSmith yang sudah ada terlebih dahulu yaitu Camtasia studio. Hanya saja fasilitas video editor yang disediakan camtasia memang lebih lengkap.
Snagit bisa dikatakan sebagai aplikasi screen capture terbaik dan terlengkap saat ini, karena selain untuk menangkap gambar aplikasi ini juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mengedit gambar tersebut.
29 May, 2012: Snagit v11.0.1 Maintenance Release
Download:Snagit bisa dikatakan sebagai aplikasi screen capture terbaik dan terlengkap saat ini, karena selain untuk menangkap gambar aplikasi ini juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mengedit gambar tersebut.
- Image Capture : menangkap gambar yang ada dilayar desktop.
- Video Capture : merekam gambar di layar monitor.
- Text Capture : menangkap text yang ada dilayar monitor.
- Web Capture : menangkap halaman web dari browser.
- Snagit Editor.
- Organize image.
- Web pages to PDF with links.
- FTP.
- Convert images.
- Capture to Word, Exel and Power Point.
- Effect for image.
- etc.
29 May, 2012: Snagit v11.0.1 Maintenance Release
- Fixed scrolling capture issues in Firefox and Chrome.
- Fixed a crash bug when Snagit launches on Windows 7N.
- Fixed a crash bug during video recording with hardware acceleration turned on.
- Fixed a bug where video playback would not work on Windows XP and Windows Vista if Camtasia Studio was first installed.
- Fixed a bug where some audio setups would cause a video recording to stop after a few seconds.
- Fixed a bug where starting a video capture over multiple monitors would turn Aero theme off.
- Fixed resizing and renaming bugs with Convert Images.
- Fixed a bug where Snagit's Ctrl+Shift+R (repeat last capture) hotkey would override the same hotkey in MS Outlook.
- Microsoft Windows XP with SP2, Vista, or Windows 7 installed and configured on your system
- Internet Explorer 8.0 or later required
- .NET 4.0 or later required for video
- 2.4 GHz single core processor ~ Recommended: 2.4 GHz dual core for recording video
- 1 GB of RAM ~ Recommended: 2 GB or more for video
- 125 MB of hard-disk space for program installation
- Video capture on Windows 7 requires Windows 7 supported video and audio hardware
- Snagit add-ins for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook works with Office 2000, Office XP or later
- Snagit requires Active Accessibility 2.0 to capture links from web pages
- 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), or higher
- Intel Processor (dual core 2.0GHz or faster)
- 2GB of RAM or greater
- If you are currently running version 1.0.3, you must first upgrade to version 1.0.4 before trying Mac version 2.0
Download snagit.exe (64.843 KB)
Download Keygen Snagit (70 KB)
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